Friday, 3 July 2015

3 best Ways to Go beyond and above with Your Content

On the web today, there are lots of repetitive blog or website posts which is just regurgitating the same content over and over again, the chances are, your blog or website post will never be found on Google.

There will be thousands of posts above you that individuals or companies have already written about, so why wasting your time writing about it?

In Today, websites need to bring something that is new and out of the box to the table regarding their content marketing and here are few ways to achieve something fresh and new.


  1. What Make Your Blogs Better- Social Media
  2. 7 Valuable way to Create a quality Blog Posts
  3. 4 good reasons why blogging can greatly increase your SEO traffic.
  4. 5 ways on how blog group can help
  5. 5 blog post tips that rank very well
  6. top 5 secret that will drive more traffics to your blog
  7. 5 productive blogging tips you must know as a blogger
  8. 4 amazing secret for successful blogging you must know



    The easiest way of creating content for your blog or website is to take a look at what your competitors are writing about and then just rewrite it in your own words.

    It do not even matter if it is unique or it adds content and value to your website because its already been done before.

    Also, Try and come up with content that are new and fresh that has not been discussed before or has been discussed very little.

    The chances are, other companies in your industry will rewrite it somewhere along the line. but if you get in there first, the chances of your blog or website post being picked up will ranked high on Google and are stacked in your favour,. so you are privilege to get the most amount of traffic for that piece of content.

    Meanwhile The information used within your content such as charts or tools does not even have to be your own.

    Make Use of other companies tools and resources, if it will be useful to your readers, link out to them too, say look, here is a charts or product charts that will work great with what we offer, take a look at their product and services.

    Not only that Google will give you credit for linking out to a reliable, relevant website; you are equally giving the user great information.


    Create a quality video on how your services work , including valuable graphics and charts on recent findings you have made from SEO techniques, for example;, make sure you give excellent information to your reader.

    The Google analytics charts are equally the best way to show your findings, as your readers want to see a physical improvement in visitors to their site.

    Use SEO websites/Blogs for quality information about various SEO techniques in other to help improve your onsite and equally offsite SEO which will have your blog or website performing better on Google.

    The key is by thinking outside the box and equally looking for what other companies are writing, try and come up with some unique or quality content that is new and exciting.


    Coming up with new exciting, breaking the mold content on a regular basis is very hard to implement , if not impossible. If you can deliver one unique or quality piece of content once every month you will see a huge increase in social sharing and subscribers.


    Author & Editor

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